Adult classes have now re-opened. A revised shedule including in person and online classes is shown below. Please note that children’s classes are currently on hold.
All in person classes are run in strict adherance to government safety guidelines and are COVID-19 secure.
Dojo address:
Brighton Ki Centre, Ground Floor Studio, 12 Queen Square, Brighton, BN1 3FD.
(Near the Clock Tower & at the top right corner of the square)
Brighton Ki Society is a Registered Charity
Registered Charity No: 1042432
Dojo email:
Convenient Parking:
City College Car Park (St Peter’s)
Trafalgar Street Car Park
Brighton Ki Centre website Brighton Ki Centre Facebook page
Chief Instructor:
Robert MacFarland
Dan Rank: Rokudan (6th Dan)
Ki Rank: Joden
Lecturer Rank: Full Ki Lecturer
Tel: 01273 323315
Assistant Instructor:
Petr Mengler
Dan Rank: Nidan (3rd Dan)
Ki Rank: Jokyu
Lecturer rank: Assistant Ki Lecturer
Tel: 07423 397948
Adult classes:
Monday 19:00 – 20:00 (Ki Class)
Monday 20:00 – 21:00 (Aikido Class – Beginners level)
Wednesday 19:00 – 21:00 (Aikido Class – intermediate)
Wednesday intermediate class is also available online. To attend online please contact Robert MacFarland sensei with your name, contact details, club and age.
Saturday 10:30 – 12:30 (Taigi Class – advanced, this is an online class only)
Sunday 10:30 – 12:30 (Weapons class – This is an outdoor class, weather permitting. In the event of bad weather the class will be run in the dojo)
Children’s classes:
Please note – children’s classes are currently on hold due to the current situation.
Monday 17:15 – 18:15 (Children’s Class: age 4 to 13 yrs)
Saturday 9:30 – 10:15 (Children’s Class: age 4 to 13 yrs)
Please note there are limited places at the children’s classes – please contact us to discuss your child’s attendance.
Wednesday 14:00 – 14:45 (Children’s Ki Aikido Class Drop-In)
Wednesday 17:00 – 17:45 (Children’s Ki Aikido Class Drop-In)
Robert MacFarland (01273) 323315
Petr Mengler 07423 397948
Please note – special classes and courses are currently on hold.
First Monday of every month and runs for 4 weeks, concentrating on the basic concepts underlying our practice and prepares for participation in all of our basic-level aikido classes.
(Weapons Intensive & Ki Intensive)
We run regular monthly sessions covering a comprehensive programme of Weapons Intensive practice and Ki Intensive practice throughout the year.
To encourage members to visit other BKS dojo’s it is now agreed that if they have paid their monthly dues at their home dojo then they will not have to pay when visiting other BKS dojo’s (Brighton, London, Manchester).
To also make the BKS classes as accessible to as wide a range of people as possible please see the revised matt fees below which are effective from the 1st May 2015:
Mat fees for the Brighton Dojo (Only)
Adult Single Class Fee
£10 per class or save by paying monthly
Students, unemployed: £8 per class
4-weeks of our beginners Adults course
Is £40 (or £30 for students, unemployed).
If you are joining us for the first time you’ll also need £7 to cover insurance (valid for the year).
You are welcome to join us for the Japanese yoga part only for £30 (or £20 for students, unemployed).
Monthly rates
£60 for unlimited attendance on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday morning (£40 students, unemployed)
£40 for 2 hours per week on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday morning (£30 students, unemployed
Under 16 and Children’s Classes
£5 per class
£3 for siblings, students, unemployed
Lifetime Membership – £20
Annual Renewal – £10
(First year includes lifetime registration fee to Ki Society HQ’s Japan)
£7 per year compulsory for everyone payable first class (No Reductions)
The Brighton Ki Centre Dojo (Hall) is available for hire when not in use. It is located very conveniently in a central location Nr the Clock Tower. The Dojo has a matted area of approximately 12 metres by 10 metres. Other facilities include, showers, changing rooms and a sink.
Brighton Ki Society is a registered charity (1042432) and donations can be specified for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
Payment can be made to The Brighton Ki Society account at The Bank Of Scotland:
Account: 00174167
Sort code: 12-12-68
Rental rates are:
Week Day – £16 per hour (£100 per day)
Evenings & Weekends – £20 per hour (£120 per day)